Virtual Library Support

During Summer 2024, we will be testing the Virtual Library Support model to potentially replace the current Embedded Librarian Service. This will allow us to support online students, while also taking in staffing constraints; ensuring we can meet all students’ research needs. 


Virtual Library Support is a new service designed to provide library and research help directly to students in online courses. Often online students are unaware of the ways the library can help them complete research. By providing library support in your course, students can get direct access to library materials designed to help them succeed. 

You can request virtual library support in your BlazeVIEW or GoVIEW course using our online form. For more information, contact Tera Ray at 


Virtual Library Support is Offered in Two Tiers: 

Tier One – Targeted support 

This tier includes a module added directly to your course that includes resources hand-picked by a librarian! This librarian will work closely with you to determine the resources that would work best for your students.  

This could include: 

  • Course or subject guides 
  • link 
  • Any guides that may be helpful to your course (ex: ,  , etc.) 
  • How-to documents and/or video tutorials (if a video needs to be created that is not already available, we request a three-week notice for content creation) 
  • Citation resources 
  • A link to reach out directly to a librarian via our LiveChat service 
  • A link allowing students to schedule a one-on-one appointment with a librarian 


Tier Two – Targeted Support + Librarian Interaction 

This tier includes the same targeted support described in tier one but with the added support of a librarian. A librarian will be added as an instructor in the course and can interact with students as needed.  

This could include: 

  • Any/All of Tier One 
  • Introduction emails through BlazeView 
  • Reminder emails through BlazeView 
  • A monitored Q&A discussion board (this board is monitored for 1-2 weeks only, often during peak research times determined in advance by you and the librarian) 
  • Online, synchronous library instruction 

If you have additional needs, we would be happy to work with you.

** Due to staffing constraints, Tier Two support is only available for online courses with extensive research assignments. If your course requires basic research, consider Tier One as an option. 


Need Library Instruction only? 

Library instruction is only included in Tier Two by request. 

If you would like a librarian to speak with your class (online or in person) about research strategies and information literacy without having a librarian added to your course, please complete the Library Instruction Request form, or contact Catherine Bowers at for more information.