Dear Management Major:

This map is a term-by-term sample course schedule. The milestones listed below each term are designed to keep you on course to graduate in four years. A sample schedule is provided as a general guideline to help you build a full schedule each term; your advisor can help you tailor this schedule to suit your desired learning outcomes. For example, the elective courses have been preselected in the schedule below to satisfy all core curriculum and state, lab science, and multicultural requirements, but you can alter elective choices with the approval of your advisor.   The sample provided also assumes you take fifteen hours each fall and spring semesters until graduation; if you wish to take courses during summer semester(s), your advisor can assist with modifying this schedule.  Another common modification is for students admitted to The Honors College.  The Honors College offers interdisciplinary seminars, a special track of core curriculum courses, and opportunities for independent research that lead to a Certificate in University Honors; your advisor can assist with your selection of these honors designated courses.

Management majors work with the newest information systems technology and receive a broad educational foundation, as well as, an intensive education in the business and management disciplines. Students develop communication, problem-solving, interpersonal skills, and master the knowledge and skills employers demand. Minors in Business Law, Business Analytics, Entrepreneurship, Healthcare Administration, Human Resources Management and Operations Management allow majors to gain in-depth knowledge of these areas. Our internship program exposes management majors to real-world business skills and enhances their chances for success. Management professionals can be found in: banks/financial institutions, corporations, public utilities, healthcare organizations, the media, law firms, government, manufacturing companies, and non-profit institutions.

With appropriate planning, both the BBA in Management and the Master of Business Administration (MBA) degrees can be completed in five years. An undergraduate student may take up to 9 semester credit hours of graduate classes without being admitted to the Graduate School. Students must be within 30 credit hours of graduation and have a cumulative GPA of 3.00 or higher. MBA graduates are well-prepared for their careers in any business enterprise.

Students who complete the management major graduate with a Bachelor of Business Administration degree. All BBA programs are accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). Less than 5% of business schools worldwide have AACSB accreditation. All management majors complete the BBA senior college core (18 hours); a common fifteen-hour sequence of major courses; nine hours of required management electives; nine hours of management and business electives; and nine hours of general (non-business) electives. These courses, plus the prerequisite Area F hours in business, economics and accounting, provide each student with a solid background in business and management.

Please see current course curriculum .

Program website:

Office Location: Health Sciences and Business Administration, Suite 3002

Mapping Coordinator: Ed D. Walker II, Ph.D        E-mail:

Year 1

Fall Hrs.
ENGL 1101 - Composition I (Area A) 3
MATH 1101 ā€“ Intro Mathematical Modeling (Area A) 3
PERS 2799 ā€“ Personal Finance (Area B) 2
HIST 2111 or 2112 ā€“ US History to or after 1865 (Area E) 3
ECON 1500 ā€“ Survey of Economics (Area E) 3
Total hours 14
Spring Hrs.
ENGL 1102 ā€“ Composition II (Area A) 3
BUSA 2201 ā€“ Fund. Computer Applications (Area F) 3
Science with a Lab (Area D) 4
Social Science (Area E) 3
BUSA 1105 ā€“ Introduction to Business (Area F) 3
Total hours 16

Milestones: Term 1: Complete Georgia History requirement. Complete Georgia Government requirement. Declare major. Grades in ENGL and MATH must be ā€˜Cā€™ or better. Overall GPA 2.0 or higher. Term 2: Complete Georgia Government requirement. Grades in ENGL1102 and BUSA1105 must be ā€˜Cā€™ or better. Overall GPA 2.0 or higher. Accumulate 30 or more collegiate credits.

Year 2

Fall Hrs.
ENGL 2111 or 2112 or 2113 ā€“ Literature (Area C) 3
Science with a Lab (Area D) 4
ACCT 2101 ā€“ Principles of Accounting I (Area F) 3
ECON 2105 ā€“ Principles of Macroeconomics (Area E) 3
Science with a Lab (Area D) 3
Total hours 16
Spring Hrs.
Humanities/Fine Arts (Area C) 3
BUSA 2100 ā€“ Applied Business Statistics (BBA Core) 3
ACCT 2102 ā€“ Principles of Accounting II (Area F) 3
ECON 2106 ā€“ Principles of Microeconomics (Area F) 3
BUSA 2106 ā€“ Environment of Business (Area F) 3
Total hours 15

Milestones: Term 3: Grades in ACCT and ECON must be ā€˜Cā€™ or better. Must complete ECON2105/2106 and ACCT2101/2102 by the end term 4. Overall GPA 2.0 or higher. Term 4: Grades in ACCT, BUSA and ECON must be ā€˜Cā€™ or better. Must complete ECON2105/2106 and ACCT2101/2102 by the end term 4. Overall GPA 2.0 or higher. Accumulate 60 or more collegiate credits.

Year 3

Fall Hrs.
BUSA 3100 ā€“ Business Analytics (BBA Core) 2
MKTG 3050 ā€“ Introduction to Marketing (BBA Core) 3
MGNT 3250 ā€“ Management & Org Behavior (BBA Core) 3
FIN 3350 ā€“ Financial Management (BBA Core) 3
(General Elective) 3
BUSA 2999 ā€“ Career Development (BBA Core) 0
Total hours 14
Spring Hrs.
MGNT 3300 ā€“ Operations Management (Major Required) 3
MGNT 3450 ā€“ Management Information Systems (Major Required) 3
MGNT 4000 ā€“ Human Resources Management (Major Required) 3
MGNT 4800 ā€“ International Management (BBA Core ā€“ international select) 3
Business Elective - Any 3000 or 4000 level Business course 3
Total hours 15

Milestones: Term 5: Grades in all non-zero credit hour BBA courses must be ā€˜Cā€™ or better. Must complete MGNT 3250 by end term 5. Overall GPA 2.0 or higher. Term 6: Grades in must be ā€˜Cā€™ or better. Must complete BUSA2999, BUSA3100, MKTG 3050, and FIN3350 by the end term 6. Overall GPA 2.0 or higher. Accumulate 90 or more collegiate credits. Apply for graduation.

Year 4

Fall Hrs.
MGNT Management elective (any 3000- or 4000-level MGNT or HCAD course) 3
MGNT Management elective (any 3000- or 4000-level MGNT or HCAD course) 3
MGNT Management elective (any 3000- or 4000-level MGNT or HCAD course) 3
Business elective (any 3000- or 4000-level Business course) 3
General Elective 3
BUSA 3999 ā€“ Study Abroad or Internship or Service (BBA core) 0
Total hours 15
Spring Hrs.
BUSA 4900 ā€“ Business Policy (BBA Core) 3
Business elective (any 3000- or 4000-level Business course) 3
Management elective (any 3000- or 4000-level MGNT or HCAD course) 3
Management elective (any 3000- or 4000-level MGNT or HCAD course) 3
Total hours 14

Milestones: Term 7: Grades in all non-zero credit hour courses must be ā€˜Cā€™ or better. Must complete BUSA3999 by the end term 8. Overall GPA 2.0 or higher. Must apply for graduation by end term 7. Term 8: Grades in BUSA, ECON, and MGNT must be ā€˜Cā€™ or better. Must complete BUSA3999 by the end term 8. Overall GPA 2.0 or higher. Accumulate 120 or more collegiate credits. Graduate!!!