
Request for Attendance and/or Deadline Extension Agreement

Students MUST register with the Access Office for access to accommodations and assistive technologies. The Access Office cannot reach out to students who may need such accommodations. It is the responsibility of the student to register.


For some students, the nature of their disability includes symptoms which could exacerbate unexpectedly causing the student to miss or leave class suddenly. In these cases, a course attendance and/or deadline extension agreement for how to respond when these situations occur may be a reasonable accommodation for the classroom attendance/deadline policy. In some situations, a student may find that the course design includes an attendance policy or a make-up process that does not present a barrier to access. This process should be completed when the student believes that an accommodation may be necessary.

In order for the Access Office to determine what, if any, accommodations will be reasonable for a particular course, a course review, including consultation with course instructors, will need to be completed. In order to gather necessary information for crafting an agreement, students will need to provide the Access Office with:

  1. documentation of a disability to support the request (if not already on file with the Access Office)
  2. completion of the request form (following), and
  3. a copy of a course syllabus for each course where an accommodation is requested.

Once all information is received, the Access Office will begin the review process which may take up to ten (10) business days. Please contact the Access Office if you have not received your copy of the Faculty Letter within ten (10) business days. While the Access Office may not be able to secure retroactive accommodation for attendance issues prior to request for accommodation, your agreement will be considered from the date that all materials are received for a particular course request regardless of the time it takes to complete the agreement.

Once the review is completed and an agreement is determined to be reasonable for a particular course, the details of the agreement will be included in a Faculty Letter sent to instructors and the student so that all parties involved will be informed of the agreement. Students must read all agreements carefully since they are all unique and may require the student to participate in some way (e.g., how and when to contact instructors). In the event that the outcome of the review process determines that attendance/deadline extension accommodation is not reasonable given the supporting documentation provided or the essential functions of a course, the student will be contacted by the Access Office immediately in order for the student to pursue alternate resolutions if appropriate (e.g., course withdrawal). The Access Office may assist as necessary with alternate resolutions (e.g., letter of support).

Please note:

  • This accommodation is not intended to serve as an attendance/deadline waiver and may not be reasonable for all courses.
  • Students should note that missing classes may negatively impact academic performance regardless of an attendance/deadline extension agreement in place.
  • This accommodation is meant to put a plan in place for situations when students miss class suddenly without warning due to disability-related circumstances. It is not intended for situations where the student will miss class due to scheduled medical appointments. Students should make every attempt to arrange appointments so that they do not conflict with course dates and make arrangements with the professor if a conflict is unavoidable. It is not intended for situations where the student misses class for any other reason that is not disability-related.
  • Each agreement is created for the specific student and course. Students are expected to carefully read each faculty letter and follow any instructions listed in the agreement. For example, most agreements will require students to contact faculty within a certain period of time.
  • For some students who request other classroom accommodations, this request may result in a second faculty letter sent.  

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Student Information

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  • Access Office
    • University Center, Entrance 5, Suite 4136
      1205 N. Patterson St.
      Valdosta, Georgia 31698
    • Mailing Address
      1500 N. Patterson St.
      Valdosta, GA 31698
    • Phone: 229.245.2498
    • Video Phone
      Video: 229.375.5871
    • Hours of Operation
      Monday-Thursday: 8am-5:30pm
      Friday: 8am-3pm